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Raindrop Technique

Raindrop Technique, created by Gary Young, the founder of Young Living Essential Oils, combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage.  Raindrop uses a layering process of 9 different theraputic essential oils applied to the feet and spine.  The combination of these oils, and the application of moist warm towels to the spine and back, allows the oils to penetrate your body rapidly.  


Raindrop has been known to increase the immune system, relive back issues, cleanse the blood,  and to create balance and harmony in the body -physically, mentally and emotionally.  Raindrop focuses the healing essence of the essential oils directly to the spinal column where it is believed that viruses and bacteria lie dormant until the immune system weakens.

Essential Oils in Raindrop Technique

Valor (blend):  Helps balance electrical energies within the body, helps the body to self-correct its balance and allignment


Oregano:  Powerful antiviral, antibactrial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and an immune stimulant


Thyme:  Highly anti-microbial, anti-fungal, antiviral, and anti-parastic


Basil:  Antispasmidic, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant


Cypress:  Improves cirulation and strengthens blood capillaries, anti-infectious, antispasmidoc, discourages fluid retention

Wintergreen:  anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, pain reliever


Marjoram:  relaxes muscles, lowers blood pressure, anti-fungal


Pepperment:  anti-spasmodic, assists in driving in all other oils, soothes digestion, gallbladder/digestive stimulant, pain reliever


Aroma Siez (blend):  Muscle relaxing, increase circulation, promotes healing 

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